ELS MEX-Cassini Solar Wind Conjunctions
Orbit 2873

File Updated: June 6, 2006
Updated By: Rudy Frahm, SwRI
The following is a list of the ELS Information for Mars Express orbit 2873
    ELS Activation
Start Time 
 End Time  
Start Time 
 End Time

An overall display of ELS data throughout orbit 2873 may be found in the file:

2873_ELS_Overview.pdf         2873_ELS_Overview.gif

Files displaying blow-ups of all ELS sector data are found in the files:

2873_ELS_OverCloseA.pdf         2873_ELS_OverCloseA.gif

Files displaying blow-ups of selected ELS sector data are found in the files:

Sector 3 blow-up to show photoelectron peak

The following is a time orientation summary of what is observed by ELS:

02:41 ELS data start in the solar wind
02:57 starting to pick up influence from Mars
03:07 beginning of bow shock
03:11 bow shock merges into the magnetosheath at about 100 eV
03:18 magnetosheath strength starts to decay in intensity and energy
03:35 magnetosheath energy decayed to ionospheric energies
03:36 plasma transition occurs, 10 eV electron intensity becomes dominate
03:36 photoelectron peaks observed
03:46 photoelectrons dissapear, break-up of organized low-energy plasma
03:52 higher energy plasma appears
03:54 low-energy burst appears (see note)
03:56 lower-energy burst dissappears, 10 eV plasma is observed
04:05:30 10 eV plasma begins to dissappear, less intense and disorganized
04:10:30 loss of low-energy plasma on sectors looking across the spacecraft
04:16:30 IMB is crossed and magnetosheath plasma is observed around 100 eV
04:46 Plasma looks sheath-like until end of data - never returns to the solar wind

following are interesting features to note in the ELS data:

03:36 There is a hint of an increase in the electrons, almost like a beam
03:54 low-energy burst is probably due to the spacecraft because the burst seems strongest in the sectors looking over the spacecraft

Files containing ELS Derieved Products:

Additional Notes or Comments:

ELS data is seen to be in the 4-sec sweep mode through out this pass.